Research in Politecnico di Milano

explores the frontiers of knowledge

and addresses the major challenges of our times.

This is how we aim to make significant contributions to society

Around these strategic themes outlined by NextGenerationEU, and many other frontier scientific problems, at Politecnico di Milano work more than 3,500 researchers with an impact on the Italian and international context.

Scientific and technological research at Politecnico di Milano is based on a multi-stakeholder model oriented towards the external fund that weighs 101 million euros per year (25% of total research funding). External funding is an essential resource and can come from institutions (especially the European Commission, the Ministry and the Regions) and in collaboration with the business world.

The research system at Politecnico di Milano

Over 3400 top tier scientists work at Politecnico di Milano, who hosted over 70 European individual grants (ERC and MSCA) by 2021. We rank 11th amongst universities in Europe and 1st in Italy by number of projects funded through the H2020 program: between 2014 and 2020 UE funded 437 projects for a total of over 189 million euros.

Research at Politecnico di Milano also focuses on Technology Transfer and industrial partnerships. Our TT strategy aims to benefit industrial and technological development as well as to have a positive impact on social and cultural context. Politecnico registered over 300 patents and founded over 60 spin-offs (data update 2019). Research developed in collaboration with companies is worth around 50 M € per year and is based on long-term strategic agreements, such as Joint Research Centres, joint observatories on technological foresight, and state of the art labs.

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