The Politecnico di Milano research 
community is driven by a shared purpose:
to make a better world through research,
education, and innovation.

In our DNA lies a multidisciplinary approach that combines experts across disciplines beyond the boundaries of Architecture, Design and Engineering. We pursue advanced and fundamental research activities as well as industrial applications and innovation, through strategic partnerships with academia and industry around the world. We develop new interdisciplinary research lines to address societal challenges and embed scientific developments and research results into university education.

Where the ground-breaking research happens

The 12 Departments in Politecnico di Milano are the leading actors that focus on challenging problems.

Politecnico di Milano is also home to top-tier labs, some of which are the Wind Tunnel, the clean room Polifab, the makerspace Polifactory, and the Testing Lab for Materials, Buildings and Civil Structures. Labs are a vital part of research in Politecnico di Milano, and so are the many collaborative competence centres that convene experts across disciplines, and the Joint Research Centres, long-term strategic partnerships with companies in Italy and abroad, focusing on shared research, innovation and development issues.

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