Politecnico di Milano’s research centre on Fintech addresses the disruptive changes brought by the Fintech revolution. Our researchers work to combine theoretical competencies on methods and technologies with the expertise of the financial world and represent a reference point for Italy’s digital innovation in the Finance and Insurance ecosystem. Researchers also study fintech applications and opportunities with a holistic approach aiming to have a positive impact on society, to ensure that the disruption brings the best possible outcome in term of benefits for all.

Meta chooses Politecnico di Milano to carry out study on metaverse

Meta chooses Politecnico di Milano to carry out study on metaverse

The analysis will focus on value of metaverse for society using Italy as case study
Jrc deep social analytics for employee engagement goes live

Jrc deep social analytics for employee engagement goes live

Seven months after the launch, the preliminary results are presented to the companies involved.
Metaverse Marketing Lab Launched

Metaverse Marketing Lab Launched

A laboratory sponsored by the School of Management to allow businesses to try the many possibilities of virtual worlds.
How to improve the effectiveness of social information programmes

How to improve the effectiveness of social information programmes

Research published in JEEM investigates the impact of stimulating environmental self-identity on energy behaviour
Recognition for Professors Arena and Azzone

Recognition for Professors Arena and Azzone

One of their articles on “internal audit” is among the most cited in the world
EmFi: a project to create sustainable and inclusive financial circuits

EmFi: a project to create sustainable and inclusive financial circuits

Research funded by Fondazione Algorand in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan
SER-Social Energy Renovations

SER-Social Energy Renovations

The H2020 project to finance sustainable construction in the service sector has begun.
Information Hub for alternative financing options

Information Hub for alternative financing options

Reducing the financial gap between Southern, Central and Eastern-European SMEs through accessible alternative financing option
A platform to assist law enforcement agencies in internet forensics

A platform to assist law enforcement agencies in internet forensics

Adapting countermeasures to adapting crimes: a scalable, interactive and innovative platform of technologies to prevent and fight illegal internet activities
Building a European Fintech risk management platform

Building a European Fintech risk management platform

Researchers at Politecnico di Milano want to build a common tool to share ideas and knowledge on the economic potential, compliance (RegTech) and supervisory activities (SupTech) of Fintech companies within the regulatory landscape of all EU state members
Healthcare: 10 proposals for the effective implementation of the PNRR [NRP: National Recovery and Resilience Plan]

Healthcare: 10 proposals for the effective implementation of the PNRR [NRP: National Recovery and Resilience Plan]

The proposals developed by a group of researchers from six Italian universities

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