
AMBITION: supporting education of young professionals across Europe and Africa

The project has been funded with 400.000 euros by ERASMUS+

The Politecnico di Milano has been awarded an Erasmus+ grant to develop the project AMBITION. The project will last until mid-2025 and has been funded with 400.000 euros.

The Erasmus+ AMBITION – AMBassadors for sustainable transITION’s will support the education of a future generation of qualified young professionals trained across Europe and Africa, well equipped with the tools to promote a culture of sustainable development and activate research in this field.

This goal will be achieved through the development of a Joint Honours Programme in technical disciplines for talented PhD candidates who wish to become ambassadors for Sustainable Development.

Specific aims are planned on three levels.

Institutional level: to co-design and implement a Joint Honours Programme for PhD talented candidates across the partner university as an asset for international cooperation to boost the contribution of multidisciplinary science and competences in the sustainable transition in both EU and AU universities.

People level: to enrich the capacity of PhD candidates and provide them with a proper enabling environment in term of skills and platform, to act as science ambassadors to boost sustainable innovation in the EU-AU countries partner universities.

Strategic level: to consolidate PhD education as a strategic asset for countries and regions since it fosters the role of science diplomacy and responsible research, to create an added value for society and policy makers when dealing with the global and just sustainable transition.

AMBITION is the first joint initiative developed by the IDEA League Expert Working Group “Partnerships with African Universities and Institutions”, that aims to strengthen and expand IDEA League’s collaborations with African universities by promoting and addressing the global challenges as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The partners in the project are: Politecnico di Milano (coordinator), RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), TU Delft (Netherlands), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), Strathmore University (Ghana), and ETH Zurich (Switzerland) as an associate partner.

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