
Training school on modelling compound climate-related events

Training the next generation of researchers and scientists to deal with such complex and impactful events

The project “Training school on modelling compound climate-related events” has won a grant of 10,000 euros as a T.I.M.E. project.

June and July 2021 have been characterised by extraordinary natural events, like the heatwave occurred on the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada, and the flood event occurred in Northern Europe. These events extended over rather large spatial and temporal scales, and manifested with cascading effects, interconnected behaviours and hazards. They are classified as “compound climate-related events”.

They are an emerging topic in science for the enormous impact on society. Compound climate-related events can pose serious threats to natural systems and human societies. Modelling and predicting compound events require knowledge on advanced statistical methods.

The project proposes a Training School on Modelling Compound climate-related Events to train the next generation of researchers and scientists to deal with such complex and impactful events. The school, targeted for PhD students, will be two weeks long, and provide tools and methodologies to investigate compound events. In addition, there will be ample time to work on scientific projects organized in four small groups and socialize with the other participants and lecturers.

The coordinator of the project is the Politecnico di Milano, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, with Prof. Carlo De Michele as principal investigator. The project involves also Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).

The T.I.M.E. Association (Top International Managers in Engineering), founded in 1989, is a network of leading technical universities and engineering schools in Europe and all over the world, with a strong international dimension in teaching, research and industrial relations. The association currently consists of 57 members in 25 countries, and the Politecnico di Milano is a member of the Advisory Committee.

Besides double degree activities, T.I.M.E. promotes a series of other initiatives, including the T.I.M.E. projects, through which the association co-finances new or existing initiatives between member universities, in which T.I.M.E. can represent an added value.

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