Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support decision-making, and increasing efficiency and safety in the operation of critical infrastructures. This is the aim of the European project AI4REALNET – AI for REAL-World network operation, funded by the European Union with almost 4 million euros, through the Horizon Europe programme, and by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) of Switzerland with 2 million euros.
The project, led by the Portuguese research institute INESC TEC, involves the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, and the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, and partners from France, Germany, Netherlands, Swizterland, Sweden and Austria, and promotes the collaboration between Artificial Intelligence and humans. The aim is to ensure that AI emerges as a way to support faster decisions made by human operators, creating conditions for the decarbonisation of the energy and transport sectors.
The project aims at improving the safety and resilience of critical infrastructures, which are becoming more challenging, not only due to the increase in the volume of information, but also due to the changes imposed by decarbonisation. The AI4REALNET consortium
Prof. Marcello Restelli, project coordinator for the Politecnico di Milano
With the involvement of industry, the project will promote awareness of the benefits of reinforcement learning and explainable machine learning. The project will also resort to current open-source AI-friendly digital environments, e.g., Grid2Op, Flatland, and BlueSky to foster and advance a global AI community.