The activities of the SETS (Social Economy Transition Skills) training project, part of the Horizon Europe CSA program “Green and digital skills and training needs for a just transition”, of which the Department of Management Engineering was the winner in 2023, have officially started.
The aim is to support, test and plan modules and plans for the development of digital competences within social economy organisations.
The specificity of this project is part of the European Commission’s vision of “Twin transition”, in line with the Transition Pathway of the social economy, which consists in the modernization of production processes through the development of solutions aimed at making society and its industries increasingly sustainable, but also digital and technologically developed.
The project, which will last 24 months, aims to develop training in a dual perspective: on the one hand, training for cooperatives, social enterprises and non-profits, on the other hand, the training of the trainers of ICT solution providers, of those who deal with capacity building in the digital field on the specificities of the social economy, in a perspective of mutual cross-fertilization between social economy organizations and technical “trainers” on the identity issues of the social economy.
The role of Politecnico di Milano, as the only university within the consortium, will be to do research first of all on WP 2, for the analysis of skills gaps, the development of training models (WP3) before piloting and testing with the various organizations and partners involved. Successful modules will be formalized more explicitly through a certification.
The researchers of the Department of Management Engineering involved to date in this skills development project are Mario Calderini and Francesco Gerli.
Lead partner of the project is Diesis Network (Belgium). The partners are, in addition to Politecnico di Milano, All Digital Aisbl (Belgium), Open Impact Srl (Italy), Social Good Accelerator (France), Fundacija Za Izboljsanje Zaposlitvenih Moznosti Prizma Ustanova (Slovenia), European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Belgium).