
Chemistry and crystals: new perspectives for therapy and cosmetics

Supramolecular chemistry and crystallography to design hydrogels with specific characteristics

A work conducted by the SupraBioNanoLab at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering ‘Giulio Natta’ of the Politecnico di Milano demonstrated how the combination of supramolecular chemistry and crystallography can be used to design hydrogels with specific characteristics. The research was published on the cover of the journal Chemistry – A European Journal.

The study focused on an amino acid called Fmoc-pentafluoro-phenylalanine, which effectively turns into a gel in water. The researchers examined the behaviour of this molecule in the presence of other substances, including bioactive molecules such as vitamin B3, which establish strong attractive interactions with its reactive groups.

The key to the research was the determination of the crystal structure of the complex through X-ray diffraction, which allowed us to predict the properties and consistency of the resulting gel. This also allowed us to modulate the release of the partner molecule from the gel itself,

Professor Valentina Dichiarante

Experimental results have shown that the interactions between the amino acid and partner molecules are identical both in the formation of a crystalline complex in the solid state and in the creation of a gel in an aqueous solvent.

This scientific breakthrough opens up new perspectives for the selective and targeted design of mixed hydrogels. The supramolecular interactions between the solid-phase components allow the strength and structure of the gel to be modulated, creating an ideal matrix for the controlled release of active substances, with possible therapeutic or cosmetic applications,

Professor Pierangelo Metrangolo

Life Sciences

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